The “Running Out Of Oxygen” EP
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The Story
The other day in therapy, I had a revelation about why I create music. Some artists write for critics, others for fans, and some for themselves.
As self-centered as it might sound, I write for me. It’s my form of therapy—a way to self-validate and feel truly heard.
As a kid, there was always so much I wish I could’ve expressed. Too often, my voice went unheard, or I was too scared to say what I was thinking. I was desperate for the chance to heal alongside the people I thought were closest to me. But we were on different paths. And as painful as it was, it showed me that my healing journey was going to be a solo one.
The title of the EP, “Running Out Of Oxygen”, encapsulates the theme of this body of work. For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt that the effort I’ve poured into relationships just wasn’t reciprocated… and it felt like I was constantly sprinting up a hill. That’s why the idea for the title, of feeling completely out of breath and exhausted, felt right.
My aim has always been to share my truth in hopes of healing and connecting with the people I care about most, but it hasn’t always been easy. Actually, it’s been extremely difficult for me to be so honest about my relationships especially because it never felt safe to do so.
There were way too many conversations that weren’t had, feelings that were pushed aside, and it left me searching for clarity and closure. I finally found that through my music.
Of course I keep returning to songwriting—it’s my way of processing feelings, even when it’s difficult to tell my stories.
“Running Out Of Oxygen” is filled with heartbreak, awareness, and deep revelations, each song reflecting a raw and honest truth. But I couldn’t keep these feelings bottled up anymore; they needed to be shared. And to my surprise, I feel a huge sense of relief and new found connection with new and old friends!
Every song “release” is so much more than just another song out in the world—it's a cathartic release of emotions I’ve carried for too long.
The Photoshoot
How It Was Written & Recorded
“Running Out Of Oxygen” took me about two years to complete! From writing the songs all the way to finalizing the coloring of the artwork, each song was written and recorded in a slightly different way.
Some of the songs on this record were written in parts… I started with the chorus, and then sat with it for a year. Others were written top to bottom in a couple hours. Not that I didn’t go back in later and correct lyrics or elevate melodies… my perfectionism seems to get the better of me! lol
I’m definitely a songwriter who cares deeply about the way something is said, which words should be emphasized when singing, and how interesting I can make the melodies.
Sometimes I think about songwriting like a puzzle, trying to fit the right word with the perfect amount of syllables, into a tight space. But if I sit with it long enough, it usually works itself out. When it comes together like that, for me, it’s SO satisfying. It feels like I solved a mystery!
There was a lot of that in these songs. For example, with “Call Me For No Good Reason”, I had written most of that chorus quite a few years ago. I’d completely forgotten about that song until I accidentally came across it again. Then I sat down to rewrite parts of the song that didn’t work for me anymore. Just a few months ago did I finally get it to a place that feels so good that it’s now my favorite song on the record!
This is the proudest I’ve ever been about an EP. It feels honest, sonically beautiful and finally very me.
I hope you find a little piece of you in this project, too. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll feel a little more seen :)
Voice Notes
With my new favorite song from the EP being “Call Me For No Good Reason”, I wanted to include a few imperfect voice recordings of it as it was being written.
Check it out! It’s like a little sneak peek into what it might be like to be there while I’m writing a song. You’ll hear giggles, mistakes, and ‘hell yeah’s.
Thank You!
I hope you have a deeper connection to '“Running Out Of Oxygen” after learning more about the ins and outs, ups and downs. I am really, REALLY excited about this project and I genuinely love each one of the songs.
It feels like these songs are like photos in a family album - each with its own unique offering story.
If you want to grab a physical copy of the EP and haven’t yet, click on the fun, moving text below! Enjoy :)